thinkbox is all about interactive communication happening between boxes with screens and human beings. Designing and developing websites, e-mail, online advertising, social media, DVD and CD-ROM, digital audio, video and imaging...for various breeds of computers and smartphones, and even ATMs...

We're Wairarapa and Wellington based but our work has been seen everywhere.

We've been designing and developing websites, apps, software and screen based tools and interactions since last century.

If you like what you see, you can reach us here ::

+64 21 784 465
11 French St, Martinborough, 5711


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interactive cd-rom::

Creative New Zealand :: FINALIST BEST AWARDS

Shearing Plough Animal Health :: Dry Cow Thearapy

Shearing Plough Animal Health :: Lambing Performance v.1,2 & 3

NZPGA :: NZGolfUpdate magazine onsert

ATM :: kiosk :: other ::

National Bank of NZ :: ATM interface

Kiwibank :: ATM interface

ANZ :: ATM interface

Aangel :: Vodafone :: Interactive POS

online advertising :: Way too many to show....get in contact we'll let you know what we can do.

other clients ::

Clemenger BBDO, Firststar, Ogilvy, Ocean Design, Salted Herring, BP, Thunderwear, Maritime Safety NZ, Ministry of Economic Development, NZ Climate Change Office, ECCA, Powerco, TAB, Fertility NZ, HVDHB, Interlace, Gateway Holiday Park, Sparktalent, R+R communications consultancy, HospitalityStandards Institute, CCS, LWP, Woodnet